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MN RETAIN Community Advisory Board members share program’s importance.

Community Advisory Board (CAB) members are taking time to share with their communities a video on the Minnesota RETAIN program. CAB members are an integral part of MN RETAIN; they provide feedback, expertise and guidance, which compliments the efforts of the MN RETAIN team and advances the goal of helping ill or injured workers in […]

Healthcare Subrecipients Support MN RETAIN

MN RETAIN is excited to have multiple healthcare sites engaged as part of the program. Healthcare organizations can bring RETAIN services to their patients through multiple engagement models. In 2021, information about MN RETAIN was distributed throughout the state including to 3600 healthcare providers and numerous healthcare organizations. Webinars to share information with physicians, advanced […]

Goodwill/WDI RETAIN Partnership

Goodwill began providing RETAIN services in May of 2022 as a Career Services subgrantee of WDI. Having them as a partner has been beneficial on the career services side of the program because it allows RETAIN to expand its reach geographically and provides the option for in-person support if needed to a larger percentage of […]

CME Provider Training Course

Minnesota Healthcare providers have the opportunity to receive support in their patient’s return-to-work plan. RETAIN/Mayo Clinic healthcare leads, Drs. Laura Breeher and Clayton Cowl, have created a CME accredited Provider Training course. The CME course, Preventing Needless Work Disability: The Healthcare Provider Role, was recently updated to include just one 45-minute module. During this course, […]

How Does MN RETAIN Work?

We are pleased to showcase our new video on how MN RETAIN can work for you! The video explains the Retaining Employment and Talent after Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN) program and how it helps workers stay at or return to work when an injury or illness impacts employment. Staying active and safely returning to work is […]

MN RETAIN presented at the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council

MN RETAIN presented at the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council (MIAC) board meeting on March 1, 2023. MN RETAIN Community Engagement Specialist, Akiatu Pratt and DEED Tribal Liaison, Kirk Crowshoe, who also serves on the MN RETAIN Community Advisory Board, presented in-person at the MIAC quarterly board meeting held at Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel in Morton, […]

Meet MN RETAIN’s Community Advisory Board

RETAIN’s Community Advisory Board was created to provide strategic direction to ensure equity benchmarks are met. Each member serves as an important link to the community and bring any issues and concerns to be addressed and discussed with RETAIN staff. The collective knowledge of the board helps with the development and expansion of the RETAIN […]

Meet Our Staff – Samantha Westphal

Get to know the Minnesota RETAIN staff! Samantha has been with MN RETAIN for just over two and a half years. She is the Lead Return-to-Work Case Manager Supervisor and is passionate about providing RETAIN services to Minnesotans. Learn more at:

Success Story: From a Broken Back to a Better Job

Mason was an assistant director of health services for an assisted-living facility when he was admitted to the Mayo Clinic after a serious car accident. “I was stopped in traffic and the person behind me was texting and rear-ended me doing 75 [miles per hour],” Mason said. Mason’s back, neck, and skull were broken. Through a review of […]

MN RETAIN Presents at the Governor’s Workforce Development Board

MN RETAIN leaders, Nancy Omondi, Director of Adult Programs, Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), and Dr. Laura Breeher, Occupational Medicine Specialist, Mayo Clinic, provided program overview and performance update to meeting attendees. The GWDB provided a letter of support required for RETAIN application for funding through the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training […]