Goodwill began providing RETAIN services in May of 2022 as a Career Services subgrantee of WDI. Having them as a partner has been beneficial on the career services side of the program because it allows RETAIN to expand its reach geographically and provides the option for in-person support if needed to a larger percentage of the RETAIN treatment enrollees. This has directly benefitted the treatment group participants as they can more easily get connected to community resources local to them by utilizing the career navigator’s expertise.

They follow the same guidelines and procedures as WDI regarding career services, they have an extensive knowledge of resources and tools on the organizational level which has allowed us to continue providing high-quality services to participants regardless of their location in the State. Goodwill is already an established organization that is well-known so in addition to providing excellent customer service to the RETAIN participants, the organization itself can bring more credibility to RETAIN as it expands its outreach across the state.
Goodwill will continue its partnership with WDI providing career services for the RETAIN and (Hopefully) continue to expand and add additional staffing as we move forward!