If you have an injury or illness that is affecting your ability to work, Minnesota’s RETAIN program is here to assist you.

During this challenging time in your life, MN RETAIN can help you return to the workplace. A RETAIN Return to Work Case Manager is a member of your health care team and will work with you and your employer and health care provider to:

  • Help you and your employer plan for your return to work
  • Identify safe work tasks based on your health care provider’s recommendations
  • Update your health care provider between appointments on your return to work progress
  • Communicate with you, your employer and health care provider to make adjustments in your return to work plan
  • Answer your questions and assist you

If you meet the following conditions, you may qualify for additional services through the MN RETAIN program:

  • You live and work in Minnesota
  • You have worked within the past 3 months
  • You have an injury or illness that affects work


If you are interested in learning more, please contact:


Worker Resources:

Resources to help a worker talk to their doctor and employer about simple, low-cost changes to your hours or duties that may enable you to work while you recuperate. Return-to-Work Toolkit

Employment Rights:

ODEP: Employment Rights: Who has Them and Who Enforces Them

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Facts About the Americans with Disabilities Act