Looking for a no-cost way to retain your staff?

MN RETAIN helps shorten time away from work for employees with medical conditions that limt their ability to do their jobs.

Your employees are a valuable resource and MN RETAIN Return to Work Case Managers can facilitate the return of employees to safe and productive work while they recover from an illness or injury.

Studies show that staying active and engaged at work helps employees recover more quickly.

MN RETAIN helps employers:

  • Communicate their commitment to their employees
  • Retain valuable employees facing illness or injury
  • Reduce staff turnover and training costs
  • Improve the morale of employees who feel supported in returning to work
  • Reduce lost time and expenses

You play a key role in the outcome for your employees. Together, you are able to identify opportunities in the workplace that allow your employee to be back at work as they continue to heal. MN RETAIN is here to help. As an important member of your employee’s medical care team, the MN RETAIN Return to Work Case Manager can help you and your employee to develop a plan for work and:

  • Clarify the health care provider’s medical recommendations
  • Insure that return to work tasks are safe and within your employee’s current abilities
  • Evaluate workplace accommodations
  • Stay in touch with you and your employee to monitor the return to work plan
  • Answer your questions


  • Support your workforce by helping employees stay at work or return to work as soon as medically possible after injury/illness

  • Reduce turnover and lost productivity costs and improve your bottom line Receive individualized services based on your business needs

  • Connect employees to additional workforce development resources to fit your needs at no cost